If you know me well, you know that I have the tendency to be all or nothing in my thoughts/actions/attitudes. As you also have seen, I don't write on this here bloggy-blog very often as I'm a busy mama of four. There are so many things I want to write about (a line I think I've written several times already on here) and yet the time just doesn't allow. Time-management is an area I struggle with and am working on. But, I digress.
Here recently I've come across several videos that I thought were worth sharing. If I had my act together, I would make them three different posts, as they are all un-related. However, I am doing it all--to avoid doing nothing. :)
My first video is of Mark Driscoll sharing his thoughts on the church family. It was very convicting and I am curious what speaks to you through what he has to say:
The second video is a funny video that some may see as a slap in the face if it's the way their church does things, but I see it as a way of showing us that we all have our own style of worship and without Christ, it's just routine. Let's not lose sight of what worship is. For me, I want my outward actions to be a pure, natural reaction to what God has done in my heart. How about you? Does worship matter to you and how to you overcome idols of the heart?
"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.
The last is a song that really describes where I'm at right now. I am in a battle of the flesh. I've recently come to see that there are certain things (okay things) that simply do not fit in my life. If I am to be holy as He is holy, I must, must let go of certain things that I know feed my flesh. Is it temporary? Maybe. Regardless, I want to be used of God and I can't be a vessel for Him with these idols in my way. So, enjoy this song and may it lift you to a new level of righteous living.
1 Shout Outs:
love that driscoll clip.
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