Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Thoughts of the Day

"For Christians, the beginning of the day should not be burdened and haunted by various kinds of concerns that they face during the day. The Lord stands above the new day, for God has made it. All restlessness, all impurity, all worry and anxiety flee before him. Therefore, in the early morning hours of the day, may our many thoughts and our many idle words be silent and may the first word and the first thought belong to the one to whom our whole life belongs "
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

1 Shout Outs:

TulipWife said...

My thoughts will go to him when I'm laying in bed in the morning. And sometimes this leads to morning prayer,and then sometimes not. I use to be in the habit of praying when I first woke up. I don't do this as much as I use too.

Btw..I have the picture of the man Thanking God for his meal in my dinning room. It's one of my favorite pictures.