Thursday, April 15, 2010

Biggest Loser

This post is for the ladies.

The other night I was at Jen's house and she read this from her facebook feed,a status that said:
Know any ladies interested in modeling? My sister's company is looking to hire Seattle-area female size medium models who are athletic, fit, tone, and not self-conscious about wearing a sports bra in front of a crowd of 40+ men and women. (Must be at least 5'5" women's size medium, fit, and between ages of 20 and 35). ...
To which she replied: I have the height and age limit down. I TOTALLY fit the description...under a few layers of course. thanks for the good little giggle my own expense.

We were laughing so hard. Oh the mental pictures that went through my head thinking of myself sporting my non-fit body. Ain't nobody who wants to see that! Except my sweetie. He is so loving and kind to love me and my fat rolls and doesn't care I have a few stretch marks and a 6 months pregnant-looking bod. Well, I am nursing, so cut that down to five and a half.

My sister (in whom I admire for her self-control and discipline) challenged me a couple of weeks ago to do a weight-loss program with her and my mom. I'm supposed to be counting calories, drinking water, journaling what I eat and exercising. And no, my rebounder doesn't count. Oh, it would if I actually exerted myself, but let's face it, I'm lazy. With a capitol L. It's hard and I don't like to sweat. Needless to say, I haven't done much.

The other day a friend was over and she shared her desire to start exercising and change the way she's feeding her family and wants encouragement and accountability. She had talked with a few of our other friends about starting a "Biggest Loser" type accountability plan. I totally begged to jump on that train.

Well, I got the email tonight that it's going to start. Rats, no more procrastinating. I do need all the help I can get but it's like giving birth. No matter how much you know or how many great coaches, doulas, midwives, doctors, experts you have, in the end, it's all about you and the baby (and the gracious hand of God). No one else can come in and do the hard work for you.

So now I'm mentally preparing to be ready to go on Monday. I had to remind myself that this is not to feed my own vanity. How hard is that going to be? We women want to look good in our clothes and be attractive to our husbands. But as I mentioned before, my sweetie takes me as I am. So if I were to be totally honest, I want to lose weight because of me and how good I will look.

Trying to remember 1 Corinthians 10:31.

I want my life to speak of God's goodness, greatness, love and mercy. Not how good I look in my jeans.

This is going to be so hard.

3 Shout Outs:

Loraena Tuttle said...

I agree, it's going to be hard. What I need is to be disciplined and balanced! =) If the competition gets out of control it won't be that helpful for me because I'm not in it to win anything - I just want accountability and mutual encouragement! Appreciated your email tonight, too.

TulipWife said...

To both Loraena and two look great to me! I think supporting each other and making it fun is what makes it successful. And you can boast in Christ for laying it in your heart to take care of yourself. I know this sounds strange coming from someone who is obese, but..the Lords put it my heart as well, and I rely on him to get me the foods I need. And he wills it in my heart to keep going. I've lost 41 pounds now with his help. And I'm happily entering into the world of natural, organic,alternative types of food. Its way fun learning about all this healthy stuff. I'm loving it.

On the same road with you,


Janice said...

WAY TO GO CHRISTINA!! You have the perfect attitude and focus. If you want encouragement and accountability, I'll help you. We can help each other. You are exactly right. This is the Lord's doing and may we always boast in Christ. Even in (well, especially in) these seemingly small things. But image of self *must* reflect the image of God.

I'm so glad you have a vision to eat better--I really struggle with that area. But, as I mentioned in an email, we really are better mamas, wives and friends when we feel good. And food is fuel. The side result is loss is pounds, but focus needs to be on overall health. Keep up the good work!!

@ Loraena, I too, don't want it to get out of control and trust it won't. If we all have a good attitude and have fun with it, we'll keep it cool.