Thursday, January 5, 2012

World's Biggest Failure

Happy New Year!! I can't believe this blog is still here. Pretty sure I didn't post once last year. Life is full with 4 kiddos and homeschooling three of them. Chasing my youngest should be an Olympic sport. Man, can that kid get into mischief. Just tonight I found a package of toilet paper in their room, a book in the pantry and I still hear him talking in his bed. It's 10pm!! He's our little busy blessing.

So this year I'm hoping to write a little more. I can't tell you how often I think of things to share but time is just not there. I'm doing good to keep clean clothes in the drawers. Or at least off my bed. Anyone else keep a pile of clean clothes on their bed with full intention of folding and putting away before bed; only to shift it back to the laundry basket? yah, me too...(I'm really hoping I'm not the only one)..

Nobody likes feeling like a failure and by this time of the year you might feel like one because you've set out, with good intentions, to keep some New Year's resolution, but have already slipped and caved in. Whether it's giving up a bad habit or starting a good one, it's hard to stay on track. For those of you going strong--way to go!!

One resolution that tends to lose steam and excitement is reading through the Bible. It's no fun going to your checklist and seeing the missed days and soon, you table the idea. It's like those dates mock you, sneer at you and scream failure in your face. Okay, maybe it's just me. Point is, if you're like me and really wanted to make this your year, you haven't even started and it kinda stinks. In the past I might have had good intentions to "just start today" but it's no fun checking a box that reads January 1 and it's January 29.

I'm here to share with you a very cool new Bible reading plan that's for shirkers and slackers. Check this out, it's called Bible Reading Program for Slackers and Shirkers. Love it! Read Margie's story and hope you find some inspiration!

Happy reading and growing in God's amazing grace this new year!

0 Shout Outs: