Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Here lately I've been finding hidden treasures while cleaning and purging. The first was $17.00 in a jacket pocket and the second was a $5.00 gift card to Starbucks in my junk drawer.

Well, the latest was quite the shocker. I convinced my sweetie to help me move a bookcase into the other room so I could move my love seat closer to the wood stove. As you can imagine, that takes a lot of work to remove everything off the shelves and of course force you to dust and clean them.

As Doug was dusting (something I doubt I will ever see again), he discovered a $50 bill hidden in bowl! WOW! How in the world did we hide that??? I have the slightest memory of putting it there about a year or so ago. Guess it worked to hide it.

We're going to be the old folks who hide their cash under the mattress and forget about it. :)

3 Shout Outs:

Jennifer said...

does that mean we are going shopping tomorrow?

Mallory said...

LOL, I love your comment Jennifer!

Thanks for posting this Janice, it brought a smile to my day! :)

I have to say, that I think you & Doug are one of the funniest couples I know! :)
So cute of you two.

Blessings on your Day!

Lisa said...

Can I come clean your house for you? =)