Friday, October 2, 2009

The Authenticity of our Faith

I can completely and totally relate to this video. My words said one thing, but my actions revealed the reality of my heart. The object of my faith was a prayer, a ritual and a delusional view of the christian walk. I compared myself to others, and even mimicked what they said. My heart was deceived and I was on a fast track to hell.

But, praise be to our Everlasting Father, who sought me and plucked me out of this darkness. My testimony was ripped to shreds in light of scripture. He revealed Himself to me and I crumbled under the weight of lies I was living under. I ran to the Savior.

Watch this video and evaluate what your faith is in. Is it in an idea, an action, a prayer? Are you suppressing the truth-fearful of what others might say?

Jeremiah 17:9 says our hearts are deceitful above all else and desperately sick or wicked. Don't be fooled, God will not be mocked. See God as who He is: Holy. See yourself as who you really are: destitute and full of all kinds of wickedness. Then, see the Savior: the One who lived the life we were suppose to live and received the punishment we should have received.

Amazing grace.

2 Shout Outs:

Katherine said...

Wow, great video!

Aubrie said...

That was awesome!